
Plans for NYC's waterfront, paying rent in installments, & more

Headshot of Emily Myers
By Emily Myers  |
May 11, 2021 - 10:30AM

This summer could be a chance to recoup major pandemic losses in commercial real estate taxes, which help the city pay for vital services (Bloomberg)

Could the retail model of buy now, pay later in multiple, smaller installments be applied to the rental market? (Vox)

The city's 10-year plan for its 520 miles of waterfront is up for discussion at two virtual public meetings (press release)

Shootings and subway attacks put crime at the center of NYC's mayoral race (The New York Times)

Homeless New Yorkers housed in private hotel rooms as a result of the pandemic reflect on a year off the streets or out of shelters (The City)

After more than 10 years of planning, a self-filtering swimming pool is a step closer to floating in the East River (Bowery Boogie via Curbed)


Headshot of Emily Myers

Emily Myers

Senior Writer/Podcast Producer

Emily Myers is a real estate writer and podcast host. As the former host of the Brick Underground podcast, she earned four silver awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors. Emily studied journalism at the University of the Arts, London, earned an MA Honors degree in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh and lived for a decade in California.

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