What to know if you can't make rent, ways to restart a stalled deal, & more

This week, readers visited Brick Underground for what to know if they have lost income because of the coronavirus outbreak and are worried about paying rent. All evictions have been suspended—housing court is closed—so you can't be kicked out for not paying your rent at this time.
Also of interest: What to do if you have an NYC apartment under contract, but the deal is stalled. Some buyers and sellers are resorting to creative ways to get the deal closed, like a "parking lot" closing.
Here, in full, are this week's most popular posts.
1) Worried about paying rent? Read this before approaching your landlord
2) I am staying in my Manhattan apartment to ride out the coronavirus outbreak—for now
3) With layoffs soaring, calls increase for a NYC rent freeze
5) Owners may be able to skip a mortgage payment, but what if you rent?
And from this week's sponsors:
Ask Sam: What happens if you have a case pending in NYC housing court during the coronavirus crisis? [sponsored]
What are the do and don'ts for our board as we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic? [sponsored]