Keeping tabs: The results of BrickUnderground's holiday tipping poll so far

Keeping tabs: The results of BrickUnderground's holiday tipping poll so far

By V. L. Hendrickson  | December 16, 2011 - 7:53AM

As we settle into the last week before the holidays, there are two types of people: those who’ve tipped the building staff and those who haven’t. At BrickUnderground we’ve been monitoring our poll closely to see how much New Yorkers are tipping this year.

(If you’re thinking: “Poll? What poll?” Don’t worry; you haven’t missed it! It’s just one click away!)

With about 900 votes so far, one thing is certain: As a general rule, it's cheaper to rent in a doorman building this time of year than it is to own.

Among owners who've taken the poll, 64% say they're giving more than $500 to the staff, including 26% who say they're doling out more than $1,000.  On the rental side, just 40% are giving more than $500, with a mere 12% handing out more than $1,000.  

Check out the detailed breakdown--including tipping patterns in non-doorman buildings--after you take our two-second two-click poll.

If you still haven't slipped that envelope to the super, don't worry, there's still time. Even though they may say they like the money early in the month, no one's going to turn your generosity down. And let us know how much you gave!

Related posts: 

BrickUnderground's 2011 Holiday Tipping Guide

Dear Ms. Demeanor: Tipping the amenity staff at the holidays

An open letter from your porter at the holidays

All 2011 Holiday Tipping Posts

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