… Renting a new apartment It may be scary to contemplate but there are lots of places for … Mesis says I am using over $200000 worth of stateoftheart equipment including an analyzer that not only detects the … governing statute known as Stephanies Law was enacted in 2003 as the result of a case involving a woman who had been …
… periodically warn them before bigger work starts too These letters are always a good idea for a whole host of reasons … and its timeline she says Theyre called good neighbor letters for a reason As a fellow stakeholderowner you are … firm does this as a matter of course when writing courtesy letters for their clients as in the sample below Note that …
… PC who represents coop and condo boards and owners In some cases its possible to prepare a Pullman proceeding which refers to a court case in which a coop board successfully evicted a disruptive … tenant shareholder by the name of David Pullman The case set a precedent for coops that want the right to evict …