Update: Threat of doorman strike diminishing, says NBC

It may be too early to call, but a post on NBC's website this afternoon says "signficant progress" has been made in talks to avert a doorman strike at midnight tonight.
Health and pension benefits conflicts are 'nearly resolved," while wage issues are still being negotiated.
Does this mean the strike is off?
"It won't happen," one Upper East Side doorman predicted to BrickUnderground. "They will wait till the last minute, just before midnight, to scare everyone, but they will sign and we will keep our contracts."
BRICKUNDERGROUND STRIKE UPDATE 11:01 PM: A managing agent with a contact on the negotiating committee says a new agreement will probably be reached by 12:01 a.m.
More BrickUnderground 2010 Strike Coverage:
Strike epilogue: How did the union get your email address?
Insider's guide to the de-doormanned life
Doorman march on Park Avenue marked by kids, whistles, smiles
Predicting a doorman strike: Why this time is different
Don't look for me on the picket line
Going rogue: Hitting the panic button in a strike
Relax, N.Y.: Doorman strike vote is just part of the dance
In case of strike, hold onto your gas cap
See all strike coverage here.