The 8 worst neighbors

The New York Post reported this week that the hand model who infamously married her doorman was ejected, along with her spouse, from their Upper East Side co-op apartment, for behavior allegedly abusive enough to prompt the staff to seek protection orders.
Of course, besides verbal and physical attacks, there are at least 50 other ways to drive your neighbors crazy in an apartment building.
Our completely unscientific survey suggests that these are the 8 neighbors to avoid living too near:
1. Amateur gourmets (The olfactory consequences will make you hungry all the time or never want to eat again.)
2. Hoarders (Vermin, bed bugs, fire hazards, eau de cat pee….let us count the nuisances...)
3. Nasty drunks
4. The Brady Bunch (unless you have little kids too, in which case you should avoid moving next to, or above, anyone without small spawn)
5. Trust fund babies (so much money, so much time to party all night)
6. Smokers and tokers (for those of the non-smoking persuasion)
7. Musicians, or, worse, aspiring musicians
8. Insecure rescue dogs
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