Would you rather have a formal dining room or an outdoor space as part of your NYC apartment?

A terrace offers a place to unwind and take in nature, such as it is in New York. But it's a seasonal perk.
If you’re a regular dinner party host, there’s probably nothing you’d like more than an actual dining room, with a table that can fit a lot of guests. If you prefer a solitary evening beverage and a breeze, a balcony, yard, or terrace might be the apartment must-have for you.
We asked five New Yorkers to weigh in on which feature they would go for, if given the option/forced to choose. Here's what they had to say.
So long, micro-meals. Hello, place settings!
“I’d love to swap TV trays and coffee tables for a real dining room. Hey, I can always take a picnic lunch to the park for al-fresco dining.”—Diana Griffin, Park Slope
Oh, to feel the grass between my toes
“New Yorkers can eat anywhere—my kitchen island works just fine. A private terrace or backyard is a coveted rarity in this city! For me and my little five-year-old, our own patch of grass is the dream.”—Daniel Miles Lee Hue, Financial District (pictured below)

You can entertain outdoors, too
“I like the option of versatility—outdoor space and al fresco dining. Nothing beats getting to barbecue, toast marshmallows, and watch the sunset all year round. Plus, it’s great overflow space!”—Janet Lau, Carroll Gardens
Green is good
“I’d way prefer an outdoor space, a terrace and yard to test my green thumb. On weekend mornings and the occasional evening when I’m not Netflix binging, I’ll sit by a window and wish for three things: One: that the windows transformed into a sliding door that opened onto a terrace. Two: that I had yard space to grow peppers and save money on hot sauce. Three: that I could sit in style and comfort on my terrace. A private outdoor space is way more valuable to me than a dining room.”—Kathryn Carleo, Middle Village
Time outdoors=quality time
“I moved here from L.A., where so much time was spent in my outdoor space, reading, dining, working and entertaining. When I got to New York, I remember asking a friend, ‘Where do you read?’ I so much prefer doing these activities with calming nature around me and sunshine on me. I miss this relaxing aspect to my nearly everyday routine, so hands down, I’d way prefer an outdoor space.”—Kimberly Collins, Upper East Side
The verdict: Attention architects and developers: All but one of these New Yorkers prefers an outdoor space to a dining room.
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