A good school zone or free childcare: That is the question

What would you do: Move to a neighborhood where your child would attend a substantially less-than-stellar public school but you would get lots of day-to-day help from mom, or move to a better school zone out of mom's easy reach? One mother on UrbanBaby.com faces just such a choice. She worries that her UWS mom won't be so willing and able to help out if she crosses Central Park to an affordable decent school zone on the Upper East Side. Oh, and did we mention her husband is no Prince Charming in the household assistance department?
The commenters cast overwhelming support toward the better school option (although a few suggest trying for the specialized schools and moving to the UES if that is not successful). And as one observer points out, traveling crosstown is hardly the equivalent of going to Staten Island; others suggest pitching in with cab fare occasionally (the less extravagant suggest providing a MetroCard). A suggestion to encourage the husband to help out: "I would start small and ask him what tasks he would like to be in charge of. Then, don't pick up the slack and see what happens if there is no milk or clean clothes." We wish her luck.
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