Amazon wants to help you find an apartment, Buttigieg rakes in NY campaign donations, & more
You can now start your search for a new place to live on Amazon, which has partnered with real estate powerhouse Realogy (Business Insider)
Foreign buyers are just not buying luxury real estate like they used to (Business Insider)
New Yorkers really like South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, according to an analysis by RealtyHop of individual presidential campaign contributions in the top 30 cities (press release)
Cat declawing is now illegal in New York, the first state in the U.S. to officially pass a ban on the gruesome procedure (The Villager)
New York City ranked number one in playgrounds per capita in a survey by WalletHub of the most family-friendly cities in the U.S. (press release)
What you need to know about living in Port Jervis, N.Y., once an industrial hub on the Delaware River that's rebounding from hard times (The New York Times)