Rental discounts declining in Battery Park City, a chance to snag a key to Gramercy Park, & more

Rental discounts declining in Battery Park City, a chance to snag a key to Gramercy Park, & more

By Donna M. Airoldi  | July 18, 2018 - 11:00AM

Rental discounts are getting harder to come by in Battery Park City: Price drops declined 14 percent in the second quarter (The Real Deal)

Bronx residents are opposed to getting a new jail as part of the plan to close Rikers Island. The city already has 14 correctional facilities in New York neighborhoods (City Limits)

Some of the wealthiest buildings in NYC received subsidies for the purchase of new heating and power systems, thanks to an obscure public authority run by Gov. Cuomo appointees (New York Post)

Here’s a chance to snag an exclusive key to Gramercy Park, with this studio apartment asking $499,000 (Curbed)

Developer Ascend Group reveals renderings for its two-tower development on East Broadway that will flank the landmarked former Bialystoker Nursing Home (Bowery Boogie)

The movie "Skyscraper," starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, should have gotten more thrills out of the high-rise design, an engineer argues (CityLab)


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