
Hospitals take emergency measures, delays for congestion charge, & more

Headshot of Emily Myers
By Emily Myers  |
December 2, 2020 - 10:30AM

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced new emergency measures to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients (The New York Times)

With $60 million left to distribute to vulnerable renters, The Legal Aid Society is calling for the remaining funds from the Cares Act to be given to needy families eligible for rent relief (press release)

The number of eviction filings is actually down compared to last year, suggesting landlords and tenants are working out agreements (Gothamist)

It may be another two years before New York City brings in a congestion charge, according to the MTA (New York Post)

Split toll collection on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge begins tonight (press release)

The New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge in Coney Island has been called off due to fears about mass gatherings amid the pandemic (Gothamist)

Headshot of Emily Myers

Emily Myers

Senior Writer/Podcast Producer

Emily Myers is a real estate writer and podcast host. As the former host of the Brick Underground podcast, she earned four silver awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors. Emily studied journalism at the University of the Arts, London, earned an MA Honors degree in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh and lived for a decade in California.

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