Would you rather live next to a house of worship or a strip club?
Would You Rather?

Would you rather live next to a house of worship or a strip club?

By Lambeth Hochwald  | June 11, 2018 - 10:00AM


This week we take Would You Rather to a higher power by putting this very important question to five New Yorkers: If you had to pick, would you rather live next to a house of God or a strip club (which can be a religion to some people, no judgment), because you never know when you might be faced with such a dilemma. Read on as five New Yorkers put in their two cents:

It’s all about the tunes

“Organ music aside, I’d have to go with a strip club—better music by far!”—Edie Lotus, Williamsburg

Because they're really nurses in training(!)

“I’d much rather prefer to live next to a strip club because those girls are all working their way through nursing school. So chances are if I’m ever home and fall ill or get a life threatening injury, I’ll have a go-to immediate care center right next door. Those girls have been training for this moment.”—Lauren DePaso, Boerum Hill

Do not wake me up with the sound of morning prayer

“A strip club as a neighbor? Sounds good to me. I’m just not a morning person. Besides, a strip club is a place of worship…right?”—Gina Laylasevilla, Gramercy

I’d rather live in a ‘no judgment’ zone

“Talk about a guilt trip—all the time. Coming home drunk from the bar, there’s a church. Getting dropped off the morning after, there’s a church. I think strippers would be much more understanding.”—Annie Vento, East Village

How often do people pray anyway?

“There is no way I would EVER want to live next to a strip club. Yeah right, I want a bunch of losers hanging out and making noise at three in the morning. I’ll take a church any dayplus people are only there once a week anyway and there’s no loud music or late-night partying!”—Dan Nainan, Chelsea

Verdict: For the majority of these New Yorkers, the better neighbor is where the dancers take it off, instead of wear their Sunday best.



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