… Its illegal for a New York City landlord to discriminate against a renter or tenant based on their immigration status But given … ever to understand your rights whether youre looking for an apartment or already living in a NYC rental It is a scary …
… tap I realized the water wasnt going to get any warmer My apartments hot water was outan experience commonplace for thousands of New Yorker City renters each year Renters filed more than 265000 complaints … Preservation Development Department HPD according to NYC Open Data Just last week more than 3000 tenants across …
… When you sign a lease for a New York City rental apartment its essential to understand that you are signing a … on a casebycase basis Big landlords all have a process because theyve been asked to do it a thousand times says Phil … new tenants financial history or how the apartment will be usedfor example as a therapists office The Met Council on …