Glass tower or classic-six: If you had your choice, which would you pick?
Would You Rather?

Glass tower or classic-six: If you had your choice, which would you pick?

By Lambeth Hochwald  | February 21, 2017 - 12:59PM

Let’s just say you had all the money in the world: Would you rather live large in a 90-story modern glass tower a la One57 or spread out in a multi-roomed classic pre-war co-op like 740 Park, considered one of the fanciest buildings on the fancy Upper East Side? We canvassed five New Yorkers and got some pretty intriguing responses:

Glass is best I’d prefer to live in a beautiful new tower. I like crisp and clean living and like to look outside. I’m the kind of person who likes light and keeps the blinds open all the time.—Shari, Upper West Side

Light, light, and more light I love the design on the outside of glass tower buildings and I like having lots of natural light inside. I also prefer waking up to natural light. In my old apartment, I had a brick wall outside my living room and it felt dark and dirty.—Jeremy, Chelsea (pictured below)


Prewars are steeped in history While modern buildings may have more amenities, the classic pre-war just has so much more character and that matters way more to me.—Jen, Upper West Side

Give me a view any day of the week For me, a modern glass tower evokes power, prestige, and the future, whereas the typical prewar can feel very old-fashioned and stale in design and connotation.—Christopher, Hell’s Kitchen

Desperately seeking charm If money wasn't an object and both buildings were located in similar neighborhoods, I would prefer to live in a building like 740 Park. While modern amenities are definitely a draw, something that has always appealed to me about the city are all the classic buildings in New York. I am fascinated by the history and charm behind prewar buildings and think it's so important to maintain that.—Anna, Upper East Side

Verdict: Glass over brick-and-limestone for this crowd of New Yorkers!

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