BrickUnderground is looking for your real estate stories

They say there are 8 million stories in the Naked City, and we'd guess at least half of them involve real estate. Well, we want 'em, and so do your fellow city-dwellers. Enlighten us about your unusual apartment search (or tactics), real estate successes and failures, or pretty much anything you think other NYC denizens might be curious to hear about. We may feature your story in an upcoming BrickUnderground article. (Oh, and did we mention that we pay for freelance work?) Click here to get in touch. And check out some examples below:
- what it's really like to live in a certain neighborhood (like Bed-Stuy)
- the prostitution ring next door
- your co-op board interview
- selling your apartment without a broker
- your childhood growing up in a Manhattan co-op
- what you learned as a NYC real estate agent or other real estate professional
- your successful strategy for finding cheap rent
- how you fell for a Craigslist scam
- how you smuggled a washing machine into your apartment
- your journey as a first-time buyer (or decision to return to life as a renter)
- the 6,000-square-foot Williamsburg loft you lived in for $250 a month
- your experience as a "20 percenter" in an 80/20 affordable housing building
- your secret to finding a no-fee rental
- how you're raising two kids in an Upper East Side rental
- your battle to get construction defects fixed
- what you gleaned from living with 10 roommates in five years
Brick Underground articles occasionally include the expertise of, or information about, advertising partners when relevant to the story. We will never promote an advertiser's product without making the relationship clear to our readers.