How a "bro" hunts for a roommate, why IKEA furniture rarely lives up to the pictures, and more
How not to look for a roommate on Craigslist, unless you're a "young, hetero, professional male bachelor" looking for like-minded bros (Gothamist)
Apparently, 75 percent of catalog product images are computer-generated. Our dreams = shattered (Slate)
Getting a mortgage on a freelancer's income: tricky, but not impossible (NYT)
Figuring out your "home priorities" now can save you headaches down the road (and lead to a nicer apartment) (Apartment Therapy)
Joan Rivers: inspiration in life, as well as in old-school, opulent apartment decor (The Real Deal)
Some surprisingly decent apartments are available for $1,200 a month (Curbed NY)
The super-specific vocabulary of life with roommates (Buzzfeed)
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