LES co-op sued by gov't over emotional support dogs, Anthony Weiner's very public...apartment hunt, renters who renovate, and more
Federal government sues Lower East Side co-op for banning emotional support dogs (NY Observer via The News Funnel)
When--and why--you might want to stay put the next time someone yells “fire!” in your building (NYT)
Does your apartment feel too darn small? Check out these space-saving tips (Luxury Listings NYC)
Big rich people like small expensive buildings, even if they're kind of a ripoff (Wall Street Journal)
Renters: Are you thinking about renovating? You’re not alone (NYT)
Anthony Weiner shows...how not to ingratiate yourself with your real estate broker (Mail Online)
Uh oh, property taxes are on the rise (WSJ)
…or are they? Cuomo outlines a budget that may freeze on local property taxes (Capital New York)
Do you have a celebrity next door? Check out this map to find out (Rentenna)
Curbside collections just got organic. Now the DOS will pick up compost at an UWS building (DNAinfo)