How to uncover the real owner behind an LLC, roommate jail, and more

Wanna know who owns that apartment--or who the landlord really is? 3 clever ways to see past the LLC (Property Shark)
Keep things cool with your roommate or you might end up in jail like Joe Biden's niece (NY Daily News)
File this under "Only in New York": The city's smallest apartment, barely big enough for a bed and nightstand, is $1,275 a month (Daily News)
One architecture reviewer is not too impressed with 57th Street's new luxury towers (New York Magazine)
You might want to hire a specialist to install that playground behind your building (Habitat Mag)
Apartment shopping online? Here are a few red flags to look out for (NY1)
How to avoid real estate warfare when getting divorced (The Real Deal; previously)
Rental-friendly ways to brighten up a kid's room without painting (Apartment Therapy)