Major landlord bans smoking; how to deal with the hoarder upstairs and more

- Related Companies bans smoking in 40,000 apartments (NY Times)
- Latest luxury building amenity: Rooftop movies (NY Times)
- Are rooftop campsites next? (Gothamist)
- How to deal with the hoarder living upstairs (Habitat Magazine; previously)
- Sometimes, it’s easy being green. Here’s where to find little-known green space in NYC (CurbedNY)
- Tips for flood-proofing your brownstone (
- What's too close? Yorkshire Towers residents don’t want Second Ave subway entrance in front of their building (DNAinfo)
- Interact with neighbors online with Nextdoor -- “howdy, neighbor” takes on a whole new meaning (Curbed NY)
- Does that listing photo look too good to be true? It just might be (NY Post; previously)
- NYC parents: East Side school to be demolished, but two public schools on the UWS are saved (West Side Rag)
- Neighborhood name change could make it more attractive (it worked for the “Northwest East Village”) (NY Times via The Real Deal)
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