Todzilla | Brick Underground


Teri Rogers Headshot - Floral
By Teri Karush Rogers  |
July 19, 2010 - 1:24PM
Word of the Week.jpg

tod zill a - n. Small but noisy child who lives upstairs or next door.

Rachel slept with earplugs Monday through Wednesday and every other weekend, the days when the todzilla upstairs came to stay with its father.

Previous Words of the Week:

Window streak

Buy curious


See the entire Vertical Dwellers' Dictonary.

Teri Rogers Headshot - Floral

Teri Karush Rogers

Founder & Publisher

Founder and publisher Teri Karush Rogers launched Brick Underground in 2009. As a freelance journalist, she had previously covered New York City real estate for The New York Times. Teri has been featured as an expert on New York City residential real estate by The New York Times, New York Daily News, amNew York, NBC Nightly News, The Real Deal, Business Insider, the Huffington Post, and NY1 News, among others. Teri earned a BA in journalism and a law degree from New York University.

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