Is it worth squeezing into an apartment just to live in Manhattan?

What’s this you say about a walk-in closet or lengthy foyer? These lovely "givens" in homes around the country may not apply for those of us who live in smaller, humbler Manhattan apartments. Then again, the bigger the space, the likelier it is you’ll have a longer commute. So is Manhattan worth the considerable space constraints? Here, five Manhattanites talk about whether it’s most important to be in the heart of the action:
Lucky to have a good deal For me it’s all about location and affordability. I’d rather live in a small apartment that’s close to public transportation and shopping than in a luxury building that’s completely out of the way and costs a lot money. Besides I have a pretty good deal on my apartment.—Hillary, Midtown West
Just consider the walkability I have a 750-square-foot one-bedroom and I would live anywhere in Manhattan, even in 100 square feet instead of a 10,000-square-foot mansion anywhere else in America! There is absolutely nothing that can match Manhattan, especially my neighborhood. I can walk to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, to my gym, the library, FedEx, etc. and of course there are a ton of great restaurants, instead of having to get in a freaking car and fight traffic. Plus, I get at least 10,000 steps a day on my Fitbit and often many more. —Dan, Chelsea (photo below)
Square footage doesn’t matter I currently live in a 900-square-foot apartment with one other girl and wouldn’t change it for the world! I love being able to walk out my door and into the hustle and bustle of NYC.—Cari, Lower East Side
Less is more Living in a small Manhattan apartment means that I must prioritize and value everything that I keep, which also means that every piece I own is meaningful in some way. Most of my possessions were bought on international vacations, like the drawing of the old town of Cartagena that brings me back to my first international trip with my wife.—Alex, Harlem
Comfort is (ultimately) king I would rather live in a large apartment further away because I prefer to be comfortable when I get home. Also more space is better for inviting people over and entertaining. The only thing I would miss would be the nightlife. Everything is constantly moving and energy flows everywhere.—Mauricio, Upper East Side
Verdict: Small is way better than living large but far away.
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