
Google looks for more space in NYC, officials debate the legality of basement apartments, & more

Headshot of Emily Myers
By Emily Myers  |
November 9, 2018 - 11:00AM

Amazon's not the only tech company vying for a bigger NYC footprint—Google's now interested in a building at St John's Terminal in the West Village (Curbed NY)

City officials are getting ready to debate laws that would make basement apartments legal (Crains New York)

A new 15-foot-tall LED ad can replace Brooklyn's former Watchtower sign. City approval follows complaints that the iconic sign was removed from the skyline (New York Post)

Roommate matching startup, Roomi, falls apart amid allegations of nepotism and poor management (The Real Deal)

Raised planter beds, a pumpkin patch, an orchard and even a greenhouse are proposed for city land in Bergen Beach (Courier Life's Brooklyn Daily)

After a three-year renovation, Macy's reveals the sleek interior of its Downtown Brooklyn store (Brooklyn Paper)

Headshot of Emily Myers

Emily Myers

Senior Writer/Podcast Producer

Emily Myers is a real estate writer and podcast host. As the former host of the Brick Underground podcast, she earned four silver awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors. Emily studied journalism at the University of the Arts, London, earned an MA Honors degree in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh and lived for a decade in California.

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