The landlords who evict the most, Central Park gets its first statue honoring women, & more
Tenant groups have released a list of the NYC landlords who evict the most renters, naming 20 landlords responsible for 2,200 evictions (Patch)
Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton will be memorialized in Central Park's first statue honoring women (NBC)
The Bronx ranks as the city's most affordable neighborhood with the three most affordable streets, according to a PropertyClub report (press release)
The facade of the residential complex at 130 Williams St. has reached 800 feet (New York Yimby)
A park being built in Canarsie has been designed with the help of kids from Brooklyn (Brooklyn Paper)
There are plans to build a residential tower and new Brooklyn Academy of Music facility in Fort Greene (Curbed NY)
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