Would you rather have an apartment that's too hot, or one that's too cold?

Some apartments never heat up enough for some New Yorkers.
Some New Yorkers are warm-blooded while others prefer to spend the wintry days in varying degrees of cool. So what’s better—a stifling apartment with radiator heat cranking incessantly, or a frigid one with no way to warm up except for diving right under the covers?
We asked five New Yorkers for their two cents.
Overheated in winter? No way!
"I think it’s better to have it be a bit too cold[...] when it’s easy to throw on a hoodie than have it be too warm in the winter. That said, both cases mean wasted energy and higher electric/gas bills."—Kryss Shane, Harlem (pictured below)

Cold is gold
"I would absolutely prefer an apartment that’s too cold, because you can always bundle up in cashmere!"—Wendy Duffy, East Village
Cracked windows are the way
"To know me is to know that my windows are open all winter! Plus, I’m on the 14th floor, so my apartment gets heated from below. I’m not sure if my dog likes it as cold as it is in my apartment, but it seems to keep the roaches away."—Mitzi Bockmann, Upper West Side
The heat is on
"My apartment always runs hot! I live on the fourth floor, and whether it’s summer and the natural sun is kicking in or winter with the heat on, my place is known as the sauna to any visitors, and I’m fine with it."—Dana Humphrey, Astoria
Room to improve
"I am fervently in the 'rather have a too cold' apartment camp. Being too cold is something you can fix. Sweaters, electric blankets, hot toddies! Being too hot? You can only get so naked."—Allison Hayhurst, Astoria
There was an outlier, but a majority of our respondents like it chilly.
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