
Community Intel

What to do when your NYC neighbors make lots of noise—Brick Underground's best advice
If you're struggling to stay sane over your NYC neighbor's noise, you are not alone. For more suggestions to specific neighbor noise scenarios, read o...
Apartment buildings in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of New York City
12 reasons why you should join your co-op or condo board if you can
Serving on your NYC co-op or condo board allows you to have a voice in what improvements are made in the building. Here's why you should consider bein...
How do we get a hoarder to clean up their apartment?
If there is a hoarder in your co-op building, the first step is to contact the shareholder and send a notice saying there have been complaints of odor...
Our co-op board is getting complaints about a video doorbell invading a shareholder's privacy. How should we respond?
Recording others when you are not a party to the conversation and in places where there’s an expectation of privacy—such as within one’s home—could be...
Can our board fine shareholders for making too much noise? If so, how much is appropriate?
“Depending on the house rules in your building—and the proprietary lease if it’s a co-op—your board may be within its rights to fine or take action ag...
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We want to remove an objectionable shareholder from our co-op. How do we successfully use the Pullman proceeding?
A Pullman proceeding refers to a court case where a board successfully evicted a disruptive tenant shareholder by the name of David Pullman. The case ...

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