Hocus Pocus-inspired decor, NYC neighborhood trick or treat cliches, and more

Really, Hocus Pocus should inform your decorating choices year-round, but this is especially true today (Design Sponge)
What to hand out when your candy supply is drained? If you live in Greenwich Village, cupcakes. In Williamsburg, cigarettes (The Smack Pack)
Decorating mistakes to avoid for first-time renters (My First Apartment)
Rent out Obama's one-time 109th Street apartment for $2,300 a month (Curbed NY)
If you're buying luxury, expect the buildings (and the brokers) to start catering to your kids (WSJ)
Another horrifying real estate scam to worry about: a landlord is accused of planning to burn down his building (occupied by squatters) to sell the land for cash (NYDN)
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