How not to get scammed on your rental, bad news for Airbnb users, and more

How not to get scammed on your rental, bad news for Airbnb users, and more

By Virginia K. Smith  | May 22, 2014 - 10:59AM

How to avoid getting caught up in a rental scam (for good measure, we've got some tips of our own) (DNAinfo) 

So Airbnb will be turning over information about its New York hosts (WSJ; previously)

If one startup gets its way, you'll soon be able to control every single part of your home via smartphone (Business Insider)

Inwood's still affordable, and finally on its way to becoming hip? (NYT)

Live in an expensive city but sick of life with roommates? Might be time to consider marrying a stranger from Craigslist (Huffington Post)

New Yorkers are indisputably better than everyone at making the most of cramped spaces and inventing new sub-neighborhoods (we see you, BoCoCa)  (Thrillist)

Everything you need to know about New York beaches for the summer--Fort Tilden's finally back! (Gothamist)

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