Room For Improvement: Playspaces and bike rooms are what these New Yorkers want
Room for Improvement

Room For Improvement: Playspaces and bike rooms are what these New Yorkers want

By Mayra David  | October 18, 2013 - 12:46PM

Not one, but two dishwashers, a space for bikes… and another for the kids to play! Here's what a half-dozen New Yorkers told us they wanted to most, living-situation-wise:

  • A dishwasher…or two As the holiday season approaches, all I can think is that I would love two drawer-style dishwashers! One I could use as needed everyday (without having to wait for it to fill up first) and another for when I have company or cook a lot for dinner parties or visiting relatives.  -Kristina, Morning Side Heights
  • A place to store bikes for the winter I wish there was somewhere to store our bikes. They are a nuisance to have blocking the hallway, or taking up space in the rooms. In the summer, it does help to have them blocking your way because it makes you ride them more. But in the winter, they are just another place to drape a coat. It looks messy and awful. - Brian, Gramercy
  • A modern bathroom I would really love to re-do my bathroom. Get a new (water-saving) toilet that looks sleek and modern. I want a console sink, and one of those egg-shaped bathtubs, too. -Gloria, Harlem
  • More closet space, of course! I really need more closet space. I think when the landlord or developer cut up this building they squeezed every inch out of the building that they could and tore down closets to make way for living space. There is literally not one corner where I can put some kind of storage unit.  -Bianca, Upper West Side
  • Speaking of winter… I wish my building had a playroom. We have a gym, which is great, but with the cold weather approaching, I'm anticipating some majorly stir-crazy kids in here. It would also be a nice way for all the moms to meet each other. -Deborah, Carnegie Hill
  • A playroom designed with children in mind… My building has a playroom, which is great for my kids when I'm in the laundry room next door.  But I really wish they had done a nicer job of setting up the room. It's not cozy at all. There is no carpet or rug, the floors are grey and one wall is this bright ugly yellow. I wish all the parents would contribute some money to do a playroom make-over. My husband and I would volunteer to do the labor ourselves! - Alexa, Harlem

See all Room for Improvement

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