Tips for selling your apartment on your own, another creepy Peeping Tom incident, and more

Tips for selling your apartment on your own, another creepy Peeping Tom incident, and more

By Sara Alessi  | August 12, 2013 - 8:56AM

If you’re not ready for your close-up, better close your blinds, because a judge rules an artist has the right to photograph New Yorkers in their apartments without their permission (NYP via The Real Deal)

...meanwhile, a peeping Tom on a Williamsburg subway platform films woman masturbating inside her apartment--and gets arrested (NY Post via Gothamist)

Attention sellers: Looking to go it alone and skip the broker? Here’s what you need to know--& why cookie cutter condos may be the easiest to sell on your own (NY1)

"Micro" apartments to get test run this month (DNA Info)

If you’re not looking for a rental apartment on your lunch break, you might miss something--work breaks are the most popular time to hunt for rentals (The Real Deal)

Want to conceal an electrical panel before prospective buyers see it? Get hanging (NY Times)

Want a little extra work space and a short commute? Consider buying a second apartment a few floors away (New York Times)

A new app helps people find roommates amongst their own social circle (New York Observer)

How high will they go? Brooklyn townhouses that need tons of work are selling over asking price -- and quickly (Curbed NY)

Are most critics of gentrification actually gentrifiers themselves? (Atlantic Cities)

How much is this gonna cost me? Are there any concessions? Can I get a place for under $2,000 a month -- big questions about renting, answered (New York Post)

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