Would You Rather?
Would you rather have a state of the art gym or a gorgeously landscaped roofdeck?

This week we're turning our attention toward building amenities. We asked six New Yorkers whether they'd rather have a state-of-the-art gym in their building or a gorgeous landscaped roof deck? Here's what they had to say:
- Gym: A gym, of course. Working out is necessary, while sitting around and tanning is actually pretty bad for your health anyway. -Alyson, Midtown West
- Gym: A gym because that would (I presume) save me some money on a gym membership. Even if there were a small fee to join one, at least I would be getting something substantial out of it. A roof deck is nice on occassion, I guess. But if you think about it, sitting out on the hot roof of a building sounds pretty awful to me. And then I wouldn’t even get anything out of it during the colder, wetter seasons -Jim, Chelsea
- Roofdeck: I’d rather have a roofdeck because I actually like my gym anyway. We have a spa, and having multiple locations is great, too. A roof deck would be a nice bonus, especially if they did it right, with lots of shaded areas, and if we were allowed to barbeque. -Martin, Harlem
- Gym: There are plenty of roof top bars around if I want to see a view. -Kelvin, Gramercy
- A roofdeck ...my way: I’d love to have a roofdeck that wasn’t landscaped to perfection, but rather one where they give tenants little garden plots. Just a roof deck with lounge chairs is kind of a waste. -Cynthia, Chelsea
- Gym… ? A gym would be the good for the body and the roof deck would be good for the mind. I’d flip a coin and hope it lands on gym, I guess. -Aguilar, Morningside Heights.
The consensus: Gym 4:, Roof deck: 2. Winner (by a slim margin): Gym!
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