Room for Improvement
Room For Improvement: Let there be light, soundproof windows and walk-in closets

Fresh air, fresh appliances, and every woman’s dream. Five New Yorkers spill their home-improvement desires.
- Smoking ban Somebody sneaks on the roof and smokes sometimes. I'm on the top floor, so I smell it. My husband says I should lighten up about it... all part of living in the city. But I think it's wrong. -- Liz, Astoria
- A closet of one’s own A walk-in closet--what else? I want to open my closet door and have all my things in their rightful place, waiting for me to choose them when I put together an outfit. Sadly, all I have is a built in closet, with bi-fold doors that keep popping out of their tracks. And I only have half of that, since I share with my significant other. - Lynn, Midtown West
- Appliances that are new I hate the old, yellowing appliances in my rental kitchen. The grease layer is permanent. But soon I will move to another apartment building. Maybe now the stove and cabinets will be so old and used the landlord will have to replace everything for the next tenant. -Usman, West Harlem
- Soundproof windows… I wish there was a cheap way to have soundproof windows. I live in a corner unit, on a busy intersections, so in addition to sirens, the fire trucks also use that massive horn everytime they cross that street. The loudness makes my heart race. -Stephanie, Upper West Side [Ed.'s note: May we suggest you look into Indow Windows]
- … Or at least more windows I love my neighborhood and I love my space...but it's just really dark here. I'd love some skylights, or windows at the other side of the apartment. -Jayvee, Lower East Side
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