Another downtown landlord sued over Sandy behavior, it finally pays off to have a sibling, and more

- Rents up 7% in Sandy's downtown wrecking grounds... (DNA Info)
- ....even as renters take yet another Lower Manhattan landlord to court over alleged mishandling of Sandy damage (The Real Deal)
- Afraid to cross the street in Brooklyn? Turns out, that fear is justified (Fucked in Park Slope)
- One-third of borrowers say they'd pay more for a mortgage if the customer service were better (NY Times)
- If you own a co-op or condo, you'll probably still get your tax abatement--if your apartment is your primary residence (NY 1)
- More New Yorkers are moving in with siblings to split the insane rents (NY Times)
- Good news for the 1 percent: An automated parking garage system may negate the need for valet parking (NY Times)
- Here's how to divvy up space with your roommates (NY Magazine)
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