Manhattan rents cheaper than BKLYN, renters up in arms over brokers' fees, and more

- The fire escape could always double as a playpen (Daily Mail)
- No, it's not just the brokers who concoct nonsensical neighborhood names (Brooklyn Based; and Wall Street Journal)
- Get this: Rentals are actually cheaper in Manhattan than BKLYN (Wall Street Journal)
- Sorry UWS parents, Tribeca dads are getting the sitcom (Tribeca Citizen)
- Broker fee strike! 40 percent of NYC renters won't pay the fee (Crain's)
- Enterprising sellers can just make a sassy $50K promo video for their pricey penthouse (CurbedNY)
- It's Mortgage Madness time! Time to refi if you haven't already (The Real Deal)
- Here's where to find the most expensive apartments of all (in case you were having trouble) (Dumbo NYC)
- Can a co-op board member block a sale as retaliation? (Habitat Talk)
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