Normally on BrickUnderground, we focus on the consumer side of real estate. With Mother's Day almost upon us, however, we thought we'd share a rather moving post by the daughter of a real estate agent we wish we could have had the pleasure of meeting.
What Mom Taught Me About Business happens to be written by Tereza Nemessanyi, the founder of a start-up called Honestly Now, the mom of two young children, and someone we greatly admire both as an entrepreneur and a not-gonna-sit-back-and-take-it champion of women in tech.
Clearly her self-made mom--who went from selling Mary Kay cosmetics to women she met in grocery stores to becoming a top Westchester real estate broker, before succumbing to cancer a few years ago--did something right in addition to selling a ton of real estate to divorced moms and newbie families scraping it together to be in good school districts.
Check out this inspiring story here, while we brush away those happy-sad tears moms are famous for.