No-Fee Building of the Week: West 80s prewar near Central Park & subway

Owned and managed by the reputable Rudin Manangement Co., 115 West 86th Street is an 80-unit pre-war building with an enviable location near Columbus Avenue, just a bit more than a block from Central Park, and close to the 86th Street subway station. The building has a full-time doorman, and prior listings on StreetEasy show apartments with hardwood floors and renovated kitchens.
According to no-fee apartment search engine, there is currently a one-bedroom available for $2,700, and a pair of two-bedroom, one-bath units available for $4,700 and $4,750--a reasonable sounding deal for nice units in a well-maintained pre-war building in a much sought after location.
No-Fee Building of the Week is A. Ready's weekly independent selection of a no-fee rental building that she believes reflects good value given current market conditions. It is not an advertisement for the building, nor is it paid for by any company/website mentioned.