About that $1,200/month parking space

BrickUnderground joined the communal gasp greeting CurbedNY's photo-blog about an Upper East Side garage that's raising its monthly parking fee to $1,013.73 plus 18.375% NYC parking tax--to a grand total of $1,200 a month. The post's title implies that the cost of parking is catching up to the price of renting an entire apartment, but minutes later we stumbled across this East 9th Street one-bedroom freshly listed on StreetEasy.com: At $1,150 a month, it's actually going for $50 LESS than a spot at the East 78th Street garage. Before snapping this one up, however, a skeleton-check may be in order: The ad says the rent is well below the legal rent-stabilized limit of just over $1,500. We doubt the market-rate rent has really fallen so far below rent-stablized rates...so what gives? (CurbedNY; StreetEasy)