Top 10 reasons to stay in New York

As Curbed noted yesterday, this seems to be the week to break up with NYC. Sorry, but we just won't stand for that--and not just because we won't have anything left to write about, or because it will wipe out the equity in our co-op. So why should you stay in New York? We'll tell you:
- It's not L.A.
- It's fun to shock your Kansas relatives with how much you pay for indoor parking.
- Alternatively, you can book all of your ZipCars in the fancy garage behind the Dakota and not even have to tip the attendants at Christmas.
- Now that bed bugs have made movies, opera, shopping and dating out of the question, it's actually cheaper to live here than in Spokane.
- Small apartments are an advantage if you do get bed bugs.
- Moreover, since you work 80 hours a week, chances are your 450-square-foot studio doesn't bother you so much.
- You don't have to overconsume alcohol at home, as the taxi is your designated driver.
- Menupages has 9,165 menus for New York City, and at least half of them deliver
- You can own a dog without ever actually walking it, and no one will even think you're weird. (You can also walk your cat, and no one will act like you're weird.)
- Where else can you greet someone like a friend on a subway platform, then realize it's the guy across the airshaft who does nude Taekwondo on Thursdays, Sundays and alternate Mondays?
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