Signs of a canine backlash; how 'bout some WalMart with your Trader Joes? and more!

Signs of a canine backlash; how 'bout some WalMart with your Trader Joes? and more!

By A. Ready  | September 22, 2010 - 11:03AM
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A daily tour around the web through the eyes of a NYC vertical dweller:

  • There has been a definite lack of love for our canine friends around town:  Last night the condo board at One Lincoln Plaza voted on whether certain breeds (a la pit bulls, Rottweilers, etc.) should be banned from the building, and all dogs may have to ride the service elevators.  The New York Daily News is reporting that the board is refusing to announce their decision.   Meanwhile in Brooklyn, Community Board 2 nixed the idea of a dog run "[b]ecause dogs are just another sign of the too-rapid gentrification of DoBro." (Curbed, NYDN)
  • Is Trader Joe's a bit too trendy for you?  Do you harbor a secret desire to purchase your provisions at Walmart?  You may be in luck if you live in Queens and/or Lower Manhattan.  As the Observer reports, "Walmart [is trying] once again to plant its bottom-dollar flag in the city. And this time the world's largest retailer just might succeed." (NYO)
  • Does your apartment have that not-so-fresh scent?  Or maybe you’ve just picked up an estate-sale unit and it seems as though the windows haven’t been opened for decades.  Apartment Therapy has a solution for you:  charcoal briquettes.  (ApartmentTherapy)
  • When you think of New York City ghettos does Park Avenue South come to mind?  StreetEasy posters are arguing about the issue, with one poster asking "whats ghetto to you? to me beggars everywhere all day every day, and hookers at night is ghetto." (StreetEasy)
  • On Curbed Jonathan Miller discusses Manhattan's Coop/Condo listing inventory life cycle, this week breaking down the analysis by number of bedrooms.  Regarding recent inventory trends, he concludes, "[e]ven with the manic housing market of the past two years, seasonality still shows up to the party."  Party, indeed.  (Curbed)
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