Falling a/c strikes E. Village wine bar patron; castoff furniture 'addict' vindicated, and more!

Falling a/c strikes E. Village wine bar patron; castoff furniture 'addict' vindicated, and more!

By A. Ready  | September 29, 2010 - 11:42AM
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A daily tour around the web through the eyes of a NYC vertical dweller:

  • Gothamist reports that an air-conditioner fell from a sixth-floor apartment onto the awning of an East Village wine bar, severely lacerating the head of a 67-year-old Vietnam veteran.  “Not that we want anybody to get hit by falling air conditioners, but you'd think—statistically speaking—an a/c unit falling onto Wine Bar on Second Avenue would be more likely to land on someone a bit more scummy yuppie.”  Sociodemographic slurs aside, people, do make sure your window units are installed properly. (Gothamist)
  • The senior lenders at mega-complex StuyTown have been granted approval by the appellate division to proceed with their foreclosure sale. “Daniel Garodnick, a city councilman and lifelong resident [said:] ‘We are pleased that there appears to be an end to the prolonged legal wrangling, and now expect a negotiated solution with the 25,000 people who live in the neighborhood.’”  Let the talks begin! (NYT)
  • Noting that Forbes has ID'd the 10003 zip code as the 22nd most expensive in the U.S., CurbedNY opines, “The East Village's 10003 extends west to Fifth Avenue and north to 20th Street, so bits of other neighborhoods are included, but that still won't keep us from saying that Joey Ramone Place can now be considered among the likes of Park Avenue. Who wants to be sedated?” Of course, we still wouldn't buy in the E. Village.  (CurbedNY, Forbes)
  • The Apple, Peeled consults the astrologer and concludes that now might be the perfect time to list your apartment for sale. "If you believe interest rates will increase, thereby diminishing buyers' purchasing power, then you should list now while the rates are attractive.  If you believe interest rates will go even lower, then we are in an even deeper economic mess than we've seen so far, meaning housing prices will likely fall further on renewed double-dip concerns … therefore you can get a better price today than tomorrow.  Can the stars be any more aligned?" (The Apple, Peeled)
  • A reader provides a photo of her living space and asks ApartmentTherapy the question:  “Everything in this photo was purchased from either Housing Works in NYC or estate sales in New Jersey (I'm totally addicted). I'm just afraid that intermixing different styles and different periods will make our home totally schizophrenic. Is this too much? Where do I draw the line?”  We agree with the comments: It looks quite nice, actually.  (ApartmentTherapy)
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