We found the NY Times’ online slideshow of doorman fashions pretty fascinating, if only because we never really had connected the words fashion and doorman before.
But given the astonishingly wide variation in the five featured uniforms, we were interested to get the views of a doorman unrelated to the profiled buildings.
Herewith, Openthedoor-man’s occasionally tart critique:
1. The Belnord, 225 West 86th Street: Black and gold double-breasted understatement
“This has a standard look to it and may even be the most practical look for a doorman. Not too keen on the yellow stripe running down the side, and I am glad my building doesn’t require me to wear a hat.”
2. 200 Chambers Street: Charcoal gray suits with Nehru collars
“This is much sleeker. It kind of has a European look to it. I see it best suited for a hotel or some kind of resort. I like it because everything is nicely fitted. The problem with it is, have you ever seen some of the older doormen around the city? There may need to be a weight limit in this building.”
3. 505 Greenwich Street, SoHo: Charcoal gray business suits—ties are up to the doorman
“It’s hard to tell the suit from the person wearing it. I understand the whole different tie thing, but they are called uniforms for a reason. It looks kind of plain and simple, and I believe doormen should have a distinguished look to them.”
4. 410 East 57th Street: Black with gold trim, expensive, classic with white gloves
“This harks back to olden times. It’s hard to know what’s beneath the ugly overcoat.”
5. London Terrace, 435 West 23rd Street: The London bobby look, with striped sleeves and Chicago police-style hats.
“This was possibly saved last for a reason. The suit makes a definite statement: 911 ring a bell? Even without the checkered hat and cuffs, it still looks like a police uniform like Tom Hanks in The Green Mile.”
So how would Openthedoor-man prefer to be attired?
“Personally I’d love to see something from Christian Audigier (Ed Hardy). That would definitely make a splash, although watching episodes of the Jersey Shore may have killed the look,” he says.