She was beautiful while she lasted, but now her needles are dropping faster than your post-Yuletide bank balance.
Fortunately, you can dispose of your Christmas tree without feeling too guilty: The city is providing two disposal options that will convert it into mulch for local parks, playing fields and community gardens.
Lazy option: You can drag your coniferous companion (stripped of tinsel and not stuffed into a trash bag like a crime victim) to the curb between Monday, January 4th and Friday January 15th. Sanitation crews will take it from there.
Good-example-for-the-kids-but-don't-try-this-with-a-bad-back option: Haul the tree to a nearby MulchFest site on Saturday, January 9th or Sunday, January 10th between 10 am – 2pm. Bonus: If you bring some bags, you can fill them up with mulch and seek out something horticultural to tuck in for the winter.