Getting the NYC real estate right in Hulu’s ‘Fleishman is in Trouble’ is critical to this tale of former spouses in crisis

… of the Upper East Side Hes a hepatologist at a top UES hospital and must be able to get to and from work quickly … highlevel pharma job which would likely triple his $300000 hospital salary Toby protests he feels there is no need to … to scramble He takes the children to the hospital where he works and has them sit in the conference room while he makes …

By Kelly Kreth |November 22, 2022 - 2:30PM
In Netflix's 'Uncoupled,' NYC real estate is at the heart of every break up

… In Netflixs Uncoupled a romantic comedy set in New York City real estate is always at stake when romance goes south … itself In Reel Estate Brick Underground reality checks the NYC real estate depicted on screen Throughout the shows …

By Austin Havens-Bowen |September 8, 2022 - 12:30PM