Brick Underground named Best Real Estate Website by the National Association of Real Estate Editors

We interrupt our usual line-up of articles to bring you some neat news about ourselves: The National Association of Real Estate Editors named Brick Underground the Best Real Estate Website in a national journalism competition honoring excellence in real estate journalism.
The award was presented Friday at the organization’s annual spring conference, held in Austin, Texas.
This award means a lot to us because it signals that we at Brick Underground (a small but mighty staff of three writers/editors plus a dedicated group of freelance contributors) are doing something well. It means we're succeeding in our mission to provide articles you can use to navigate New York City's expensive and competitive real estate market.
We’re also excited because this national recognition marks Brick Underground’s 10th year sharing practical information on how to buy, rent, sell, renovate, kick out your roommate, negotiate your broker fee, and pretty much deal with any tricky real estate situation you are likely to encounter in New York City. (If you have some real estate drama to share with us, please drop us a note!)
That’s not all: Brick also won a bronze award at this year's real estate journalism competition for best interior design story: “We asked actual children to test-drive some of NYC's fanciest playrooms," by contributing writer Mimi O’Connor.
The judges said, “Who better than 5 and 6 year olds to test out swanky playrooms? No one. O’Connor comes up with a creative way to tell her story and pulls it off in an example-filled piece.”
Looking ahead, we’ll continue to focus on New York City as intensively as ever, while expanding our gaze to other cities that check the livability, lifestyle, and affordability boxes of readers contemplating a move outside the New York metro area.
“Brick Underground will launch our first new city portal this fall, starting with Philadelphia,” says Teri Karush Rogers, Brick’s founder and publisher. “The new section will be modeled on some of the most popular articles on our main site. Look for guides to local real estate types and prices, the most popular neighborhoods for former New Yorkers, how to go about renting and buying, where to find a job, plus tales from New Yorkers who’ve made the move.”
(Philly curious? Sign up here to be among the first to know when our new section launches this fall.)
After Philadelphia? Stay tuned for the New Yorker’s guide to moving to Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Nashville, Pittsburgh, and more.
Finally, a special shout out to our Brick readers—thank you for all your comments and questions. They inform our writing and challenge us to dig deep in our coverage of real estate in New York City.
Jennifer White Karp,
Managing Editor
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