These are the listing photos your nightmares are made of

Want a quick lesson on what not to do when you're staging your apartment?
Just take a look at these questionable listing photos, courtesy of Andy Donaldson, the man behind the Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs blog and book, complete with Donaldson's one-of-a-kind commentary.
“OK guys they’re coming back. Hold still and stay quiet.”
That reminds me: I need to get out of here right now and never come back.
You know the old saying “hideous sex paintings sell houses“? Me neither.
A dirty thumb, a toilet close-up and more clueless real estate listing pics
What were these sellers thinking? "Sexy" room edition
These 3 homes show some seriously questionable staging choices (staging included)
The perfect home for that narcissist in your life, a room that feels like and acid trip, and more
Talking really bad listing photos, with the man who made them famous