Real estate ads without the hype, tips for taking great listing photos, firing the super and more

Coming soon: "Bitchin' brownstone in sketchy neighborhood" and other hype-less real estate ads (Wall Street Journal)
Apple eyes Williamsburg and Ft. Greene for first Brooklyn store (The Real Deal)
Depending on where you live, this new interactive crime map may or may not make you sleep better at night (Gothamist)
Is Gowanus the new DUMBO? With Whole Foods moving in and rents rising, it may well be (Brooklyn Eagle)
A few things to consider before firing the super (Habitat Magazine; previously)
If you lived in a glass building, would you draw the curtain or enjoy the view? (New York Daily News)
De Blasio may pick business-as-usual folks for top real estate posts (The Real Deal)
Federal Housing Administration loans may not be all they're cracked up to be (New York Times)
Airbnb landlords reveal their secrets of success (
How Airbnb saved my house (NY Post)
How to deal with three different types of difficult neighbors (New York Times)
Putting your home on the market? 10 tips for taking great listing photos (DNAinfo; previously)
When “bogus” Brooklyn nabe names aren’t so bogus after all (The Weekly Nabe)
Don’t overlook elevator aesthetics--it can affect your apartment's market value (Habitat Magazine)