Here's why your postwar FiDi studio could never fall for an UWS prewar 1-bed

Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw once said that in New York you're always looking for a job, a man or an apartment.
Jennifer Zucher, a principal at boutique brokerage Plaza Real Estate Group, and star of Bravo's "Love Broker," takes care of the final two. (The country will get a peek inside Zucher's matchmaking business, Project Soulmate, when the show premieres tonight on Bravo. Zucher stars alongside longtime pal Lori Zaslow.)
When asked whether it's harder to find love or the perfect NYC apartment, Zucher says, "Finding love is more difficult because it is a bit more personal and long term....[whereas] in searching for an apartment you’re not looking for a place to live in for a lifetime. If you want to renew your lease, you can, or if your rent is too high you can pack up and move out. Finding a soulmate involves your heart much more than your pocket."
We asked the real estate broker/matchmaker to combine her real estate and dating expertise to see if two people living in very different NYC neighborhoods could ever hit it off. Here's what Zucher had to say:
1. A Financial District post-war studio and a pre-war UWS one-bedroom:
Could they make it work? "Definitely not. The Financial District is well known for its commercial influence and affluent business-driven community. The Upper West Side is a much more residential neighborhood, with romanticism at every corner whether close to the park or far west by the Hudson River.
"Their personalities would clash; the Financial District's devotion to business would break the romantic Upper West Side’s heart."
2. Williamsburg loft and Upper East Side one-bedroom:
Could they make it work? "No! The Upper East Side would momentarily feel attracted to Williamsburg’s easy going and glamorous life, but the layout and population of the UES would make hipster Williamsburg feel somewhat out of place."
3. Lower East Side studio and Murray Hill studio:
Could they make it work? "Finally, something good! The Lower East Side, which is jam packed with cool hangout spots, and Murray Hill’s college prevalent population would go hand in hand.
"Both would possess a sense of entitlement and individuality that would be heightened by their desire to be independents. I see happy years to come for these two studios. Maybe they’ll get together and become a junior one."
4.Upper East Side classic six and SoHo loft:
Could they make it work? "I would say that SoHo’s artistically inclined population and the Upper East Side’s old money feel would be a recipe for discord. A classic six is a more family driven environment; SoHo’s predominantly artistic and eccentric vibe would throw off the UES’s high end axis.
"Maybe it would work if a rebellious teenage room would be attracted to the artistic hipster’s high ceilings, but then the master bedroom would interfere and it would just get messy. Not cute."
5. Park Slope brownstone one-bedroom and Chelsea post-war one-bedroom:
Could they make it work? "Both known for their historical architecture, I consider this to be a great match. Moreover, both neighborhoods have many things in common. Museums and artistic organizations like the Fashion Institute of Technology in Chelsea and Brooklyn’s Conservatory of Music would make these two artistically intellectual neighborhoods feel at home with each other.
"Though Chelsea’s high fashion might be a little overwhelming for Park Slope, the two could learn from each other. After all, opposites attract!"
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