The Market

Best of Brick: How to interview a closing lawyer

Margot Slade
By Margot Slade  |
August 22, 2011 - 2:10PM

There are good closing attorneys, mediocre ones, and ones you will wish you never met.  How to tell the difference before hiring one? Here's a great list of interview questions plucked from a thread on

The Firm:

  • Besides real estate law, what else do you do? (Best answer: Just real estate. Worst: Personal injury.)
  • How much experience do you have with my kind of transaction?
  • Are you part of a practice group or a solo practitioner? (Best answer: Group.)
  • Will you handle my file and attend the close, or will a paralegal, secretary or first-year associate? 
  • Who handles the documents and how? Are rider changes made by you or a paralegal? If a paper needs to cross to the other side, does it go by PDF or messenger?    
  • If a leak develops, who handles the new point of negotiation, you or the broker?
  • When will you not be available (e.g. religious holidays)?


  • Do you charge at contract signing, or all up front?
  • Do you take a retainer? If yes, under what circumstances is it nonrefundable?
  • Do fees include due diligence, and what will you do for due diligence? (Best answer: Yes fees include due diligence, and your lawyer--not a paralegal--will go to the managing agent's office to read the financials for the last 2 years and the minutes for the last 4 years. For buildings less than 5 years old, read the offering plan. Send--or better yet, personally administer--a questionnaire to the managing agent asking about the reserve fund, the percentage of owner occupied units, issues around leaks, noise complaints, fireplace complaints, bugs, maintenance arrears, proposed building repairs and more.)


  • Gauge the response time to your questions. Slow isn't good--it could lose you your deal. 
  • How comfortable do you feel with this person? Go with the good vibes. 


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Inside Story: Confessions of a closing lawyer

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