The contest is on among five New York City buildings to find the doorman who rocks. The leader by a wide margin so far--336 votes and counting--is Angel Mendoza of the Cadman Plaza West building in Brooklyn, who says he tries to put a smile on everyone's face and hopes to add that "extra touch" by wishing everyone a good day.
In second place in the contest, which is sponsored by Verizon FiOS, is Bay Club's George Mundheuk, with 27 votes. His most memorable past work experience was performing the Heimlich maneuver on a young resident to dislodge a mint and stop him from choking.
The other doormen in the contest--all selected from FiOS-wired buildings-hail from the Chocolate Factory in Brooklyn, Bay Club in Queens, and Independence Plaza and Herald Towers in Manhattan. Interested in voting? Read the profiles of nominated doormen, register and vote for your favorite. The winner receives a home-entertainment makeover. (Voters win a chance at a makeover, too.)
The contest runs through May 13.