One morning, I found a mouse in my suit pocket...

That's the beginning of a comment recently posted on BrickUnderground. Here's the whole sorry tail:
"One morning I found a live mouse in the breast pocket of a suit that was hanging in my closet in a suit i was about to wear. Our closet was adjacent to our neighbor's kitchen and our building had a mouse problem. I was quickly thumbing through my suits and sport coats looking for the one i wanted to wear. As I passed said suit quickly, i thought i saw a mouse's head staring at me from the breast pocket. I thought i was seeing things so i thumbed back to that suit and sure enough there was a mouse hanging out in my suit!! Ended up attacking it with a broom stick but it scurried away and ran into one of the wife's shoe bags where i trapped it and (released it outside)....."
We asked pest control expert Gil Bloom of Standard Pest Management for a little more info on the mouse-in-your-pocket phenomenon and were relieved to hear that mice have limited sartorial inclinations.
"Mice like to be within 10 feet from food, which isn't hard in an apartment. They don't necessarily want to get into your closets but people sometimes store food there or maybe have a candybar there or something," says Bloom.
Fun mouse trivia: A mouse only needs 3 grams of foods per day, Bloom notes. In a pinch, they will snack on your decorative wheat stalks and dried flowers.
The weirdest place Bloom ever found a mouse in a NYC apartment? A piano.
"The piano was not in use and the mice had pulled the felt off the keys and made nesting materials out of it," says Bloom.
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