Smoking bans advance in co-ops and condos

The Wall Street Journal reports today that at least 18 NYC co-ops and condos are seriously contemplating building-wide smoking bans. To which we's about time. We respect individual choice as much as anyone. But like bed bugs, smoke has a knack of running amok in an apartment building--becoming a communal problem, not an individual one. Pro-smoker outrage, however, is currently dominating the comments on both the Wall Street Journal and CurbedNY. And even we cracked a smile at this imaginary ad posted by one CurbedNYer:
Rarely Available: the ultimate in luxury, loaded with Amenities and rules: Classic 6, no view, no sugared soft drinks,strollers,cell phones, saturated fats, no meals over 5oo calories , no smoking and no television viewing permitted . just steps from the highly restricted public park. Documented proof of national origin and religious affiliations required.
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